Monday, August 22, 2016

Which Governance suits Nepal..?

- Prakash Regmi (22.08.2016)

Nepal is small but beautiful country both by nature and people. Moreover, it is more beautiful by the resources which Nepal has. It is located in South East Asia with border with China from north and India from East, West and South. Nepal was ruled by King/Monarch (Shah), Ranas and lately by general public via democratic model. Nepal faced lots of political reforms and finally by the Maoist movement (Civil war- around 12000 people died and few hundred thousand displaced) which was ended with peace settlement and in 2008, by passing a bill from cabinet Nepal was made a federal republic country by abolishing the monarchy.

Nepal was never colonized or ruled by any outer bodies, a bit of influences were always there from the neighboring counties as well as from the development partners. The competition for the power always exists within the internal political parties which results lots of economical as well as political hindrance. Weak diplomatic relation within the rulers also with cheap mentality of self interest have made the country poor and more dependent on others. Today Nepal is on 145th rank in HDI (data of 2015). This shows Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Now it’s a time to raise a question that,
Is the multiparty democracy a hindrance for its growth and development? Or Nepal’s model of governance system has lots of inefficiencies? Or why are politicians not under the law (Jurisdiction)? Or why the supreme court of the country fails to give brutal punishment to the leaders who have done numerous crimes and doing illegal business?

Let’s see how these developed Asian countries ruled?
Form of ruling
HDI (2015)
Ruled by only one party after independence
From 1970 to mid of 1990s ruled by military
South Korea
Democracy from begining

Good governance is only one way to march the state or nation towards the development. Importing the best and succeeding policies from other developed counties like Sweden, United States, Denmark, Germany, France, China, Finland, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and many others may not work in our nation. Nepal is unique in itself with 123 languages and more than 84 ethnic groups. So, the religion, culture, lifestyle, geography, technology, education, health etc factors will be equally responsible for the succession or failure of the implementation of  imported policies or governance system/model.

Max Weber, Rousseau, Stuart Mill, Nicolo Machiavelli, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Max are the political scientists who have focused in various approaches of governance models which fits in European as well as American countries of the world. Rather than arguing regarding the governance system and models or the form of government to be imported and implemented, Nepal rather should develop its own model which best fits its social, economical, political rights of general public as well as for the sustainable development of overall country.